Sunday 14 December 2008

Magazine Debrief......

The genre i have chosen for my music magazine is UK urban club scene music. The demographics of my target audience is females of ethnic origin aged 16-25yrs. they should be working/ middle classed students who's interests are close to socializing, partying and clubbing. I have decided to target this audience because I feel there is a niche in the market for a magazine specifically appealing to this group. Being young generally means having fun and socializing. However many juggle the strains of working hard and achieving academically and the sacrifice of a social life or let a social life interfere with academic achievement. I aim to encourage a healthy social life and an equally or even better academic life. Special features in my magazine will promote 16+ raves and 18+ raves because I don’t want to encourage a certain group of my demographic to rave illegally or exclude them from partying at all?·

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