Monday 15 December 2008

Puffs/ Anchorage text:
i tried to use puffs that would draw in the readers attention but using so many colours slightly dfeats the point of puffs. however the content of my puffs are affective as they directly relate to not jus party life but everyday life for the target audience. For example talking about discount from popular teenage clothing stores gives T.A an incentive to buy the magazine. Aso everyone knows students find it hard to budget correctly what with paying for university and college expenses, so buy encouraging them to purchase the magazine because of the immense benefits attached to the magazine should increase sales. >EVENT PROMOTIONS: on cover appeals to older members of T.A who are frequent attendees of these partys/ raves. Also promotions for concerts appeals to everyone who is into music as different people like different arists. the use of real raves and concerts gives my magazine a realistic aspect rather than making up events n promo's.
> TOP10 ARTISTS OF 2008 ARE...: on the cover highlights features inside the magazine. this particular puff is typical of music magazines so i felt it was important to include it as it is an expectation of regular magazine consumers. however the way in which i used this puff wasnt successful as it was black and blended in with the background. also the size of the font made it hard to see what it said from the beginning. In addition the text becomes overshadowed by the other surrounding colourful texts which is negative. changes to make to my puffs would be to make them slightly more structured and use some sort of colour scheme.

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